Concerning our farms, to produce fruits of the best possible quality and to increase the percentage of products under “Savoie label”, we invest continuously. The parasitic nets, the irrigation, the renewal of the plantations are means of minimizing the risks and especially pledges of quality.
Fruit production
Orchards and Fruits
Production of apples and pears to eat :
Traditional production in sustainable agriculture under IGP Savoie.
The products under IGP Savoie “Protected Geographical Indication” must meet a precise specifications. The respect of this one is guaranteed by CERTIPAQ, independent organism of control. These products are identifiable thanks to this small label representing the logo attached.

Organic production of edible apples and pears:
Organic production on the part of the farm.
Production of organic apples "industry" on our farm:
Specific culture of juice varieties for processing. These varieties are specific to processing because the sizes produced are very small, tastefully these varieties are very acidic and very hard, the variety planted is mainly Judor.

Other production:
Cherries, Quinces, Raspberries and Strawberries.
Collecte de vergers plein vent :
Organic apples from old local varieties of “apple juice”:
Culture in open field on the Savoyard hills.
Trees says prevergers mainly Boussy’s crosses in Albanian.
Dedicated Technician: Karine GARCIN